Environmental-Academy, Newcastle - ANGLIA :

  1. Michelle Campbell - Robson
  2. Rita Callender
  3. Patrizia Grifoni
  4. Fernando Ferri
  5. Tom Scott

The Institute of Research on Populationand Social Policies,ITALIA

Universität Koblenz-Landau, GERMANIA

5.      Prof. Dr. Astrid Rank

6.      Prof. Dr. Günther Seeber

Consulta Europa ProjectsandInnovationParqueCienti­fico y Tecnologico, SPANIA

7.      NoheliaMoralesMartínez

8.      Michelle Perello

Pareto –ANGLIA

Contact Craiova:

Prof. Dorina Goiceanu

0744 548 506



Thisprojecthasbeenfundedwithsupportfromthe European Commission