The consortium which will deliver the project consists of six partners, who all have experience of working on European projects namely:

v  P1 - Leadand Managing Partner – Environmental Academy, Gateshead, UK– who have developed the concept of GreenHero and will bring their knowledge of the Schools Against Waste programme in the UK to the project along with their technical capabilities for development of website and interactive Moodle courses. They also employ environmental specialists in house of all disciplines to provide support for the curriculum development. As the organising partner the Environmental Academy is well placed to deliver this programme as they have experiencing of managing UK Government Programmes, a Leonardo De Vinci programme and an ERDF programme in the UK. They also work locally in the UK with schools, education departments and other stakeholders.

v  P2 -  Partner–Consulta-Europa, Gran Canaria, Spain– selected for their work in the field of communication and dissemination, it supports all kind of entities in the design of communication strategies and in the organization of events.

v  P3 – Partner – University Koblenz Landau, Germany – selected for their experience with primary school education and work in schools, also developing sustainable and green education, educational diagnostics and curriculum development to inform the GreenHero pilot course for school children.

v  P4 - Partner –International Education and Management Association, Romania – selected as they are a teachers’ association employing certified trainers working in education and VET.

v  P5 – Partner – IRPPS-CPR, Italy – selected for their research capabilities and networks.

v  P6 - Partner – Pareto, Gateshead, UKhas extensive experience in the independent evaluation of European funded projects involving many sectors along with qualitative assessment of the delivery of projects.

The main aims of the project to be addressed include:

  • Improving the environmental knowledge of primary school children through an interactive state of the art e-learning programme which involves new green curricula for schools for waste, energy and water.
  • Providing standardisation of the green learning experience
  • Promote the sharing of environmental best practice in primary schools
  • Encourage and increasepartnership and e twinning between schools in Europe
  • Provide innovative e-learningcontent for environmental issues
  • Make environmental science more appealing to children
  • Provide better teaching tools for environmental challenges
  • Encourage improvement in Green Management and resource efficiency in schools
  • Involving external stakeholders who can add benefit and sponsorship to the project in the longer term.
  • Engender good cooperation and communication between consortium partners
  • Implement strong management and financial monitoring procedures
  • Undertake a comparative study of the green curricula models in schools
  • Develop interactive e-learning modules for schools covering the issues of Waste, Energy, and Water.  The comparative study will inform if additional subjects are to be included including climate change and sustainability
  • Translate the modules into 4 additional languages Italian, German, Romanian, and Spanish
  • Develop a School and educational bodies engagement model
  • Develop and design a GreenHeroTeacher training pack to support the e-learning
  • Develop a GreenHeroGateway and website to provide access to resources, case studies and best practice and a specific area for each participating school.
  • Develop  animated GreenHero characters which will be used to promote engagement in the project
  • Recruit 10schools per partner country to participate in the project across the partnership (total 50 schools)
  • Recruit a minimum of 10 children per school to undertake the training (total 500 learners)
  • Produce evidence which will demonstrate project impact which be supplied by each participating school showing level of implementation.
  • Develop GreenHeroE-portfolio for collating evidence
  • Set up a Green Panel from each of the partner countries who will evaluate and assess evidence supplied by participating schools. 
  • Develop and promote an awards process for the GreenHero competition. 
  • Facilitate E-Twinning/partnership of participating schools to promote good practice
  • Develop a dissemination and exploitation strategy and model
  • Produce an interim and final evaluation report

The Project Objectives will:

The Methodology to achieve the stated aims and objectives along with significant milestones and quantitative indicators are stated below:

  • Produce detailed action and work plans for all work packages and circulate to all partners
  • Kick off meeting arranged to convene all partners and discuss project management
  • 4 additional meetings arranged at suitable junctures over the 24 month period of the project
  • 1 dissemination and exploitation strategy and action plan
  • 1 quality plan
  • 1 interim external evaluation report
  • 1 final external evaluation report
  • 1 GreenHero Gateway completed
  • 1 Comparative study of green curricula models – researching and development of analytical schemes so environmental topics can be quantified 
  • 3 Interactive e-learning modules developed minimum covering areas of waste, energy, water
  • 3 end of modules tests established
  • 1 complete GreenHero course covering environmental awareness on Moodle
  • 1 Flash interface GreenHero for green crystals competition
  • 1 GreenHero E-portfolio developed
  • 1 GreenHero Teacher Training Pack developed
  • 1 Student and Teachers needs report  in using online new green curricula
  • 1 Model for Green motivation – effective model for engaging with schools
  • 50 schools twin with other schools online
  • 10 schools engaged per partner country
  • 10 learners minimum engaged per school per partner country
  • 1 interim dissemination seminar
  • 1 final dissemination conference including exhibition displaying children’sGreenHero projects
  • 1 Dissemination report
  • 1 Green Panel developed for judging of competition
  • 1 schools visit to the European Union Environment Directorate

 Work package number


  Management of the project

Deliverable number

1 Management of the GreenHero project

Work package number


Development of GreenHero e-learning modules and interactive materials, GreenHero Gateway and GreenHero e-portfolio

Deliverable number

2GreenHero e-learning Modules and GreenHero E-portfolio

Work package number


Comparative study of curriculum models


Deliverable number

3.1  National Reports

Deliverable number

3.2  Transnational Synopsis Report

Work package number


Development of an effective model forengaging with schools and educational bodies (“GO Green!”)

Deliverable number

4.1  Model for school Green Hero - Effective Model for Engaging with schools and educational bodies.

Deliverable number

4.2  STS Report  on Student’s Teachers and School’s Training needs in using online new green curricula

Work package number


 Development of Teacher Training Pack to support the programme

Deliverable number

5  Delivery of GreenHero Teacher Support Pack

Work package number



Deliverable number

6.1  Dissemination plan

Deliverable number

6.2  Translated web site

Deliverable number

6.3  Printed materials

Work package number



Deliverable number

7.1  Exploitation strategy

Deliverable number

7.2  Methodology for replication of digitally based Comenius project

Deliverable number

7.3  Evaluation report

Work package number


 Quality Assurance and External Evaluation

Deliverable number

8.1  Work Programme/Quality Assurance Plan

Deliverable number

8.2  Project Evaluation Report