Green Hero - Leaflet Obiective si Rezultate_RO_EN
Written by MARY
Category: GH-Prezentare
| Published: 25 March 2014
| Hits: 3648
LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME - Comenius-Multilateral centralizat “Green Hero”
Nr. proiect: 528064-LLP-2012_UK-COMENIUS-CMP
Beneficiar:Asociatia IntEMA - International Education and Management Association, Craiova – Romania
Funded by the European Union |
Proiectul Comenius Multilateral "GREEN HERO" - Rezumat
- Dezvoltarea unei noi discipline in scoli:,,educatia verde"-desfasurata online , avand ca teme:
- Gunoiul
- Apa si
- Energia
- Asigurarea materialului didactic si diseminarea exemplelor de buna practica intre tarile partenere
- Crearea a trei module interactive e-learning pentru scoli, avand temele gunoiul, apa si energia , corelate cu schimbarile climatice si imbunatatirea calitatii eco-sistemului
- Crearea materialului didactic necesar pentru a preda aspecte legate de mediul inconjurator
- Crearea atitudinii Green Hero
- Recrutarea a minim 10 scoli din fiecare tara, minim 40 in total pentru intregul proiect
- Scoli primare (6-11 ani)
- Fiecare scoala va avea sectiunea:,, resurse proprii" pe site, cu logo
- Produsele finale vor fi puse la dispozitie de profesori pentru a demonstra nivelul de implementare din fiecare scoala
- 10 exemple de posibile cerinte ( urmeaza a fi discutate)
- Produsele finale vor fi evaluate online de Academia de Mediu , oferindu-se feedback-ul necesar. Evaluarea implica participarea tuturor tarilor participante.
- Fiecare scoala va fi recompensata prin ,, cristale verzi' care vor plasa scolile concurente intr-un clasament
- Vor fi numeroase premii pentru scolile participante ,premiul cel mare fiind o vizita la Comisia Europeana a Mediului
- Proiectul va implica E-Twinning si vizite de lucru ale profesorilor si elevilor participanti
Reason for the Project
Developing new green curricula for schools online around key subjects such as;
- waste,
- water
- energy,
- and:
- providing supportive teaching materials, and sharing of good practice across partner countries
Key Outputs and Results
- Develop 3 interactive e-learning modules for schools covering Waste, Energy, and Water, the 3 main issues relating to climate change and sustainability
- Develop a teacher training pack
- Development of a ‘Greenhero’ portal
- Development of Green Hero characters
- Recruit a minimum of 10 schools per country – Minimum of 40 in total across the partnership
- Primary School Level initially (6-12 Age range)
- Each school with have its own resource section on the website branded in school shield/logos etc.
- Evidence will be supplied by teachers following completion of green tasks by pupils illustrating the level of implementation in each school.
- 10 main examples of possible tasks will be: (to be developed)
- This evidence will be externally assessed by The Environmental Academy online with feedback provided. Evaluated and assessed as part of a Green Panel from each of the countries.
- Once completion has been endorsed each school will then be awarded points in the form of ‘green crystals’. These will be displayed in a competitive area where they can compare their success against other schools who are participating.
- There will be various prizes available for participating schools and the top prizes will include a visit to the European Commission and Directorate - General (DG) Energy or Environment.
- The project will involve E-Twinning and visits of school staff and students.
Funded by the European Union |